How to Turn “0 Years of Experience” Into a Job in Tech
Do you want to land a technical role, but not sure what to do next? Are you looking to get a specific certification? Uncertain about the tools or software you need to pick up? You want to know how you can land an incredible job that pays well, allows you to learn, and stand among fellow techies. Yet, you’re uncertain right now and unsure if your technical skills are at the level companies want. The last thing you want is for a hiring manager to look at your resume and immediately toss it out. Even worse, he might laugh at how bad your technical skills are.
Interestingly, the current climate has left many with a newfound need to seek a different career path. Given the greater demand for technical support and skills right now, a career in technology could be the answer to secure your careers and livelihood.
Once you identify the potential for a career where your skills will always be in high demand and you have the tractability you desire, the question remains… How do you get started with a career in tech?
Register in a Course or Workshop:
Public colleges, universities, and technical training centers like NIITGhana often organizes courses/workshops with basic instructions in programming, Web development, and networking. Online courses can help you learn and gain more knowledge in a very short period of time. They are a comparatively, economical way to gain vision into the field and them.
Read Tech Books:
To get yourself educated, visit your an online library or bookstore, and head to the tech books section and download e-books. Look through books about the industry, as well as precise topics like programming and networking, will help you discover the variation of jobs in the field. Research and reading are key factors to get yourself started.
Offer Your Technical Talent:
You may be very brilliant and experimenting, but also find someone who needs computer assistance. This will test your capability to interconnect clearly about technology, an essential skill for tech professionals.
Nonprofits, religious organizations, and other community groups may also be in need of individuals with computer expertise, however, newly learned.
You can take on small projects that you can sell through an app store or offer to freelance clients when you are finished.
Build out your resume:
When you’re all set with your technical skills then it’s now time to make a new resume. This is where you can really use your creativity to standout from the rest of the crowd.
The experience you gain from studying IT subjects at home and working towards certification heavily influences your ability to get an IT job.
Use this starter job to push yourself into your career goals! Keep learning and following IT work
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